Choose Henry – Where shopping small is BIG!

Small businesses are the lifeblood of our local economy. The owners and employees not only provide services, but they engage in acts of volunteerism and leadership all across our community. Henry County is a better place to live because of them, and they deserve our thanks and recognition for all their important contributions. Looking for a great way to celebrate and support small businesses and all they do for our community? Small Business Saturday is almost here!
Small Business Saturday is a day dedicated to supporting small businesses and communities across the country. Founded by American Express in 2010, this day is celebrated each year on the Saturday after Thanksgiving and U.S. consumers have reported spending an estimated $85 billion at independent retailers and restaurants on Small Business Saturdays since 2010.
Support Small Business Saturday simply by shopping small on November 30th! Get up, get out and shop or dine at a local small business, invite friends to shop with you, or share on your social networks.
We encourage you to shop small on November 28th here in Henry County! Shop and dine Main Street McDonough, Locust Grove Main Street, or Main Street Hampton and be sure to support all the small businesses in Stockbridge as well!
So which Henry County small businesses will you be supporting on Small Business Saturday?
#ShopSmall #SmallBizSat #ChooseHenry