Giving Back is Good for Business

“Think of giving not as a duty but as a privilege.” ―John D. Rockefeller Jr.
Business is not all about making a profit. Many of our area businesses understand the importance of giving back and are committed to making a difference all year round. Whether it be seasonal initiatives or ongoing efforts, Henry offers many opportunities for companies to be active stewards in the community by volunteering time or resources.
Looking for ways to to get involved? Here are few suggestions.
Henry County, in collaboration with Connecting Henry, Inc., and together with other businesses, organizations, and churches, will be hosting the “Community Cares Toy Shop”! This two day Christmas event will take place on December 5-6, 2019. The goal of this event is to provide children that are residents of Henry County in Pre-K through fifth grade a chance to participate in the joys and wonders of Christmas. For questions or details on how you can get involved with this event, please call 770-288-6230.
Helping in His Name Food Pantry
Helping In His Name “The Food Pantry” is a faith-based organization that provides temporary emergency help to the underemployed, unemployed, senior citizens, disabled on fixed incomes, and single family households on a weekly or monthly basis. The mission of The Food Pantry is to model the love and compassion of Jesus Christ by providing food to the hungry and needy people of Henry County. Your employees can get involved by volunteering at the pantry or hosting a food drive to help stock the pantry.
The mission of United Food Force is to fight hunger through united forces and partnerships. They offer volunteer opportunities Monday-Wednesday 8:30-4:30 and Thursdays by special request.
The Henry County Council on Aging and the Henry County Senior Services Department are holding their annual Adopt-A-Senior program for the Christmas season. The goal for the program is for individuals, families, groups, churches, businesses and organizations to adopt community seniors aged 60 and over and in need in order to provide them with a Christmas gift.
Gifts can be wrapped or bagged and must be turned back in to Henry County Senior Services by Monday, December 9 for delivery. To adopt a senior during the holiday season, contact Ann Marie Quincey at (770) 288-6975 or by email at
These are just a few of the many organizations and community efforts that your company can partner with in Henry County. Click HERE for more family, community and civic organizations.
We wish you a Happy Thanksgiving and give thanks for the way you are giving back.